
این کتاب در لینک زیر قدیمی هست ولی بهترین تعریف را برای طراحی پایدار عنوان کرده است :


"Understand the meaning of  "good design  

Good Architectural Design is planning, designing and devising buildings that are more functional, aesthetical and durable. ... Architectural Design at large; i.e. Spatial Design can be macro such as urban design, landscape architecture and buildings constructions or it could be micro such as .interior design or public-art.) Result Approach)

Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments. (Result Approach)

Demand for design quality

 "Modern, emancipated people, entrepreneurs or families  …  seek out characterful architecture, beautiful houses, public spaces to enjoy, quiet green space to relax, surrounded by houses and offices providing the sense of an individual life style.“ 

(Good design =  Project quality (result) + Process quality (Best practice

Baukulturis (building culture) essential for creating a built environment that is considered worth living in. In addition to social, ecological, and economic aspects, Baukultur also has an emotional and aesthetic dimension